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When to Consider Restumping During Home Renovations or Additions

Home renovations and additions are thrilling opportunities to improve the living space, functionality, and value of your property. One update you can make to increase the longevity and safety of your home is restumping with steel adjustable house stumps by a reputable provider like LevelMaster.

Amidst the excitement of selecting new fixtures, choosing paint colours, and planning layouts, it’s crucial not to overlook the structural integrity of your home. A critical thing to consider when renovating a house with an older construction is whether the project might call for a restumping.


Should Restumping Be Part of Your Renovation Plans?


What’s Restumping, and Why is it Important?

Restumping involves the replacement of your home’s supporting stumps. In most cases, these supporting stumps are made of timber, concrete, or steel and might deteriorate due to moisture, soil movement, or just general wear and tear.

Your house’s foundation is important, more so when it comes to renovations or adding new features to the home. When the stumps are not in good condition, neither is the work on top of them. Restumping will make sure that your home has a solid base from which it will support new structures and maintain the overall integrity.


When to Consider Restumping During Renovations

1. Assessing the Age of Your Home

One of the first factors to consider is how old your home actually is. An older home would have been more likely built with timber stumps, prone to rot and termite damage. For houses over 30 years of age that have never had a restumping, ideally, stumps should be checked before you proceed with any significant renovation work. Age may still have a part, even if your home has concrete or steel stumps, since soil conditions and environmental factors might have changed over the years.


2. Visible Signs of Foundation Issues

Before you start your renovation project, be sure to check around for obvious signs that some of the stumps may be failing. The signs may include:

  • Uneven or Sloping Floors: If your floors are not level or your house has sloped floors, then it is an obvious sign that your stumps no longer can keep the weight of your house above them.
  • Cracks in Walls: Especially around doors and windows, cracks are an indication that your stumps may be shifting.
  • Sticking Doors and Windows: Inability to open and close the doors and windows of your house easily is a sign that the foundation has been shifted or moved out of place.
  • Spongy or Bouncy Floors: When your floor feels spongy to walk on or it seems bouncy, the stumps laid underneath could be losing their effectiveness.

If you notice any of these signs, it’s crucial to address them before proceeding with renovations. Ignoring foundation issues can lead to more significant problems down the line, potentially compromising the safety and stability of your home.


3. Planning Major Structural Changes

If your renovation plans include major structural changes, such as adding new rooms, extending the footprint of your home, or removing load-bearing walls, restumping should be at the top of your list. These types of projects can place additional stress on your home’s foundation, and if the existing stumps are not up to the task, you could face serious issues.

Restumping first, before any structural alterations are made, secures your house’s foundation so that it can support the new load. This step safeguards your investment in renovation and gives you peace of mind that your home will be safe and stable for the years ahead.


Integrating Restumping Into Your Renovation Timeline

1. Coordinating with Other Trades

Restumping is a significant undertaking and should be coordinated carefully with other aspects of your renovation project. Ideally, restumping should be completed before any other work begins. This allows tradespeople to work on a stable and level foundation, reducing the risk of damage to new materials and finishes.

If restumping is required, it’s critical to communicate with your builder, architect, and other trades involved in the project. Good coordination makes it certain that the restumping process slots into your renovation timeline appropriately, helping avoid delays and added expense.


2. Budgeting for Restumping

Restumping can be a significant expense, depending on the size of your home and the extent of the work required. When planning your renovation budget, it’s important to factor in the cost of restumping if it’s likely to be needed.

Restumping costs will vary depending on several factors, including the type and number of stumps, and the accessibility of the site to your property. It’s a good idea to think about getting at least a few quotes from reliable contractors and then having a contingency budget to cover yourself with regard to any unforeseen surprises that might occur throughout the work.


3. Choosing the Right Materials

Steel stumps, particularly galvanised steel, offer superior strength and durability compared to timber or concrete. They are resistant to rust, termites, and moisture, making them an excellent choice for long-term stability. At LevelMaster, we specialise in adjustable steel house stumps and recommend these as the superior option for longevity, quality and safety. 


How to Find a Reputable Restumping Expert

The work of restumping requires expertise and experience. To this end, one would need always to get the right professional who can guarantee that the job has been done correctly. Once you’ve chosen house stumps from a reputable company like LevelMaster, you’ll need to find a contractor to install them. (We are happy to assist with this if you contact us.)

Here are some tips for finding a reputable restumping expert:

  • Check Credentials: Ensure the contractor is licensed and insured. Restumping is a regulated trade, and professionals should have the necessary qualifications.
  • Ask for References: Request references from previous clients to get an idea of the contractor’s workmanship and reliability.
  • Get Multiple Quotes: Obtain quotes from several contractors to compare prices and services. Remember, the cheapest option is not always the best.
  • Inspect Previous Work: If possible, visit previous job sites to see the quality of the contractor’s work firsthand.


Restumping is an essential consideration during home renovations and additions, especially in older homes or when making significant structural changes.

If you’re planning a renovation or addition and suspect that your home may need restumping, contact LevelMaster today for advice specific to your situation and information on restumping costs

Our team of experts can assess your stumps and provide you with the best solutions to ensure your home’s foundation is secure. Don’t leave it to chance—get in touch with LevelMaster for quality stumps and professional advice you can trust.


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